Utility Billing Customer Service | Modesto, CA

Water sewage and garbage Services

Garbage Service / August 31, 2024

utilitybutton-digipayFor New Customers

To set up or terminate water, sewer and garbage service, call Customer Service at (919) 469-4050. The Town may require a deposit to set up an account. The Town of Cary bills customers on a monthly basis. We service both Cary and Morrisville.
Cary residents will be billed for water, sewer and garbage services.
Morrisville residents will be billed for water and sewer services only.

When to Pay

The current charges due on your bill are payable when you receive the bill. Current charges are considered delinquent after the date shown as the due date. If the amount due for current charges is not paid by the due date, your account will be subject to a 1% late penalty or a minimum of $5. All customers are waived one late payment penalty per calendar year, which will not appear on your bill. Therefore, any late penalties that are included on your bill must be paid. Questions regarding billed charges for service or payments should be directed to the Town of Cary’s Utility Accounts Customer Service of the Finance Department at (919) 469-4050. The Town's office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

What Your Rate Covers

Water and sewer services are not paid for by property taxes in the Town of Cary. Costs to the Town associated with water and sewer infrastructure – treatment facilities, pump stations, water and sewer lines – and operations – treatment, maintenance, service extension, billing – are borne directly by utility customers through their utility rates. Cary’s rates are set annually by the Town Council to cover the anticipated costs of running the utility. Rate tiers are designed to reward customers who exercise environmentally friendly consumption.

Service Disconnection/Reconnection

Utility services are subject to disconnection for nonpayment 10 days beyond the due date. Reconnection will only be made upon the payment of the past due amount, including late penalties and nonpayment fees. If you cannot pay your bill by the due date, it may be possible to make payment arrangements by contacting the Customer Accounting Division at (919) 469-4050.

Source: www.townofcary.org