San Francisco garbage service
Refuse Rate Hearing NoticeThe City’s Refuse Rate Board has received an application from Recology, the San Francisco refuse collection and disposal processing company, for an increase in residential refuse collection and disposal rates for trash, recyclables, and compostables (black, blue, and green bin services). Recology is requesting to rebate surplus revenues to ratepayers and to increase rates, for an effective increase of 16.40% in the first year (or about $5.70 a month for an average single family home), 4.98% in the second year, and 0.62% in the fourth year. Without rebates, rates would increase by an average of 22.96% in the first year. Recology is also requesting to modify the previously approved cost of living adjustment formula. If the increases are approved, the City and Recology anticipate that new rates would go into effect on July 1, 2017. The Director of Public Works will hold a series of public hearings on Recology’s application in San Francisco City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton Goodlett Place, as follows:
The hearings listed above are subject to continuation to later dates, rescheduling, or cancellation. If the Director’s Recommended Order is appealed to the Refuse Rate Board, the Rate Board will issue a new notice and hearing schedule. The Rate Board can be reached c/o City Administrator, Room 362, City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102. Copies of relevant documents, including the Recology application, updated hearing schedules, and related documents are available at City Hall, Room 348 for public inspection and online at www.sfpublicworks/refuserates. Right to Protest the 2017 Rate Application (Proposition 218 Information)Any customer may submit a written protest against the 2017 Rate Application to the Hearing Officer by sending it to: Refuse Collection Rate Hearing Officer c/o San Francisco Public Works 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place City Hall, Room 348 San Francisco, CA 94102 Customers may also submit written protests at any of the public hearings on the 2017 Rate Application. |