Santa Rosa garbage service
Part of the Ratto Group — A Family of Companies
(707) 586-1478
P.O. Box 4299
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Santa Rosa Recycling and Collection offers weekly garbage service to customers. Included in the fee for garbage service is a weekly curbside recycling program and weekly compost service. Garbage service in the City of Santa Rosa is mandatory for all residents.
Residents may choose from 20, 32, 68, or 95-gallon rolling garbage carts. The cost of your service is based on the size of your garbage cart. The smaller your garbage cart, the less cost. The blue cart is for recycling and the green cart is for yard waste and vegetative food scraps.
Garbage collection begins early in the morning, so it is important that your cart be at the curb the night before to assure your collection is not missed. Click here for more information on cart placement. You will receive an additional charge if you have extra garbage or if the lid will not close on your cart.
If you have extra garbage, call us at least one-day before your regular collection day to schedule extra collection service. There is an added charge for extra garbage. When you notify us in advance that you have extra garbage, you may use 32-gallon plastic bags or a 32 gallon garbage can for extra garbage. Loose material will not be collected.