Republic garbage Services
Here are common questions and answers regarding the three-year agreement between Ocean Pines and Republic Services:
QUESTION: When and how do I sign up for a new account with Republic Services?
ANSWER : Residents can enroll one of the following ways:
1. Call Republic Customer Service at 410-749-1551
3. Fill Out
QUESTION: What is the cost for the service?
ANSWER : The monthly cost is $16.04. You will be billed quarterly (3 months) for $48.11 or yearly for $192.44.
QUESTION: How many times per week will Republic pick up my garbage?
ANSWER : Trash pick-up service is twice per week.
QUESTION: What are trash collection days?
ANSWER : Collections for households in North Ocean Pines are on Monday and Thursdays. Collections for South Ocean Pines are Tuesdays and Fridays.
QUESTION: Will Republic provide me with a trash can?
ANSWER : Residents have the option to rent a 95-gallon container for $1.20/month. However, a recycling container will be provided FREE of charge. In addition, you may put your household garbage at the curb in personal trash cans or trash bags. For recycling collection, Republic Services will provide a 65-gallon blue container with a gray lid to identify it for single-stream recycling.
QUESTION: When will Republic pick up my recycling?
ANSWER : Recycling service is once a week. Your collection day will be the second day of your trash collection. If you have trash collection on Monday and Thursday, your recycling will be picked up on Thursday. If you have trash collection on Tuesday and Friday, your recycling will be picked up on Friday.
QUESTION: What is single-stream recycling?
ANSWER : Single-stream recycling means residents put all of their recyclables into a single container.
QUESTION: What are the rules regarding acceptable material and how much garbage I can put out each collection day?
Acceptable: There is no limit to the amount of “household” trash a customer may put out for collection.
Acceptable: Republic will collect up to a maximum of four bags of leaves and/or yard cuttings per collection, as well as brush, tree limbs and shrub trimmings provided that they are cut into 4-foot lengths and tied into bundles weighing not more than 50 pounds.
Acceptable: Republic will also collect Christmas trees placed in one piece at the normal collection place for a two-week period following the holiday.
Unacceptable: Household trash shall not include furniture, hazardous materials, mechanical equipment or machinery, including automotive machinery, sand, solid or other mineral matter, and any other items or matters not resulting from ordinary household operations.
QUESTION: What if I need a bulk pick up of non-household garbage items or material?
ANSWER : Call Customer Service at 410-749-1551 to discuss options and pricing based on the type and quantity of material to be disposed of.