Los Altos garbage service
Once every 6 months, at no charge, residents of single-family homes can schedule the collection of up to 4 cubic yards of garbage and 3 large items. Ready to schedule your free On-Call Cleanup? Access your account or contact us today. We’ll send you a confirmation notice along with a list of collection guidelines. Please contact us as far in advance as possible. Appointments are scheduled in the order received.
Here's how it works:
- Prior to your scheduled cleanup day, two 4’x4’x4’ bags will be delivered. Each bag will hold up to 2 cubic yards of garbage.
- Place the bags in the street curbside when you’re ready to start filling them. When full, they may be too heavy to move out for collection.
- Fill the bags with miscellaneous items. Commonly disposed of items include: books, magazines, toys, clothing, exercise equipment, housewares, packaging materials (styrofoam blocks, large boxes), treated wood & yard trimmings.
- Next to the bags, you may put out up to three bulky items. Common bulky items include mattresses, sofas, dishwashers, water heaters and similar furnishings and appliances.
- Note: there is a charge to dispose of an item containing Freon. Also, refrigerator/freezer doors must be removed or taped/strapped shut when set out for collection.
- Instead of one bulky item, you may put out an e-waste item like a TV, computer monitor, printer, fax machine or VCR.
- Using a special flatbed truck, Mission Trail will return on your next service day to remove the bags and bulky items.
- Your two bags and bulky items will be collected in one trip on your scheduled collection day. Everything must be ready prior to 6am. Charges may apply for rescheduling or if multiple collection trips are requested.
Items labeled toxic, poisonous, hazardous, or flammable cannot be collected through the On-Call Cleanup Program. Please do not place liquids; automotive batteries, fluids, or tires; hazardous or infectious waste in the On-Call Cleanup Program bags. Contact us for available collection options or visit one of Santa Clara County’s free drop-off facilities. Visit or call 408.299.7300 for information.
Other Options to Consider
Do you have items that can still be used? Here are some ways to get your item(s) back into circulation:
- Donate directly to a charitable organization such as Goodwill or Salvation Army.
- Find a way to sell what you have.
Source: www.missiontrail.com