Local garbage service
2016 Recognized Holidays that could delay your trash service:
New Years Day Memorial Day Independence Day
Labor Day Thanksgiving Day
Unincorporated Madison Township residents have trash pick up each Thursday, unless it is a holiday week (see above).
PLEASE NOTE Christmas 2016 and News Years Day 2017 WILL NOT CAUSE A DELAY IN TRASH PICK UP
Local Waste Services invoices quarterly, $14.17 per month beginning October 2016. Those residents that wish to rent a mobile 96 gallon toter, will be invoiced an additional $3.00 per month. Call Local Waste Services at 614-409-9375 for a toter or specific questions or to set up an account.
Recycling is again part of the Township’s contract. Additional bins and beginning in October 2017 lids for the recycle bins, may be picked up at the Madison Township Community Center at no charge. Your name and address will be required for additional recycling bins. Yard Waste Stickers for your permanent containers are also available. Township Administration office hours are Monday through Thursday 8 am - 5pm; Friday 8 am - 4 pm (note we close early the business day prior to Holidays). The office number is 614-836-5308.
Senior discounts are available for any head of the household that is 60 years of age or older. A savings of $1.50 per month will be applied. In order to qualify you MUST send the following information to the address listed. Send a copy of your driver’s license showing your name and address of the residence. Mail these to Local Waste Services, Senior Discount - Madison Township, P.O. Box 359, Groveport OH 43125.
Residential collection may begin as early as 7:00 am and continue until 7 pm. Only six major holidays will be observed, see above.
It is the Townships policy that all trash should be in a closed container, in the event you only put out trash bags, note that the resident is responsible for cleaning up any debris from torn bags.
It is recommended setting recyclables and garbage on different sides of the driveway. As before yard waste must be clearly marked. Place yard waste a few feet away from your trash, for easier identification. Brush and carpet must be tightly tied in bundles of 4 feet or less and no more than 2 feet in diameter, weigh less than 50 pounds.
Plastic grocery bags are NOT recyclable, please return them to the grocery store. Window glass and glass dishes are NOT recyclable either. Any items restricted from the landfill will NOT be picked up (lead acid batteries and tires, liquid paints, oil, large auto parts, large construction materials and any household hazardous waste)
White goods (refrigerators, etc) may only be picked up AFTER CFC refrigerant has been removed. Refer to the service guide for specifics, including possible fees and weight limits. Miscellaneous materials (more than one man size or over 50 pounds) such as appliances, furniture, hot water tanks, etc shall be collected. Please call ahead of collection day to notify the providers of such items.
Complaints on trash service should be directed to Madison Township at 614-836-5308 or via the Township website contact administrator. These details will be available on the Township web site also.
Residents should be aware that by law in Franklin County all residential properties are REQUIRED to have trash service. Within Madison Township, all residents must use the trash hauler contracted by their municipality. Owners of the property are responsible for payment of the service, should their tenants default on service. Please update your lease agreements accordingly or make arrangements to include the cost in your rental payment. Commercial businesses may select their own hauler, but are expected to keep all trash picked up in front and around their businesses, dumpsters may not be overflowing.