Advantage garbage
Boasting a circulation of more than 38, 000 100% qualified subscribers, Waste Advantage Magazine is an independent publisher with staff that has more than 100 years of experience in publishing. Printed 12X annually, Waste Advantage Magazine is solely dedicated to covering the solid waste and recycling industry with one publication and one price. Our circulation delivers a blanket coverage of the industry, focusing on our key audience that consists of municipal and private sector executives and operations managers in the areas of collection, transfer stations, recycling, landfills, waste conversion and C&D activities throughout North America. Diverse content helps our audience stay informed through the latest news, best practices, equipment and technology, and a dedicated MarketPlace connects buyers and sellers of new and used equipment and services. Waste Advantage Magazine provides lead generation, ongoing branding campaigns, and a strong media leadership position and partner resource in order to deliver the right audience and give you the “advantage” to help reach your marketing goals.