Pics of Garbage trucks
Want to know the damage environmentalists can wreak on an area? Check out these new pictures from North Dakota, where environmentalists protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline left behind such a gargantuan mess near the Cannonball River that ABC News reported, “Local and federal officials estimate there's enough trash and debris in the camp to fill about 2, 500 pickup trucks.” Those trucks will have to haul the trash away before the spring thaw, when it will pollute the Missouri River and other waterways.
On Wednesday, Morton County Emergency Manager Tom Doering admitted, “We’re really fighting the clock. There’s more garbage down there than anybody anticipated.” George Kuntz, vice president of the North Dakota Towing Association, told Western Wire:
There are roughly 200 vehicles down there at last count, ranging from cars and pickups to rental trucks. We’re going to have a very drastic situation trying to keep these vehicles from getting into the river – what everybody’s been trying to protect from day one. We can’t leave them there. We don’t know what kind of biohazard is going to be produced with all the fluids or any other garbage that’s inside the vehicle.