Super garbage service Dalton GA
Our mission is to provide an efficient judiciary service to all Defendants, Attorneys and Law Enforcement Officers in a courteous, conscientious and fair manner.
Vision Statement:
Accurate, timely and compliant reporting of information is what we strive for. Professionalism, courtesy toward all who come in contact with the court and effective communication with all who come in contact with the court is paramount to our success as a department.
There shall be no videos, photographs or recordings in the Courtroom unless you have received express prior approval from the Court.
Municipal Court operates under the laws of the State of Georgia to try all misdemeanor traffic and criminal cases, (with some limitations), code enforcement cases and city ordinance violations that occur within the city limits of Dalton. Approximately 400 local courts are part of the Georgia court system.
Courts of incorporated municipalities try municipal ordinance violations, issue criminal warrants, conduct preliminary hearings, and may have concurrent jurisdiction over shoplifting cases and cases involving possession of less than one ounce of marijuana.
Qualifications of judges and terms of office in municipal courts are set by City Charter.
“Super Speeder” law –O.C.G.A. § 40-6-189, Effective 1 Jan 2010, Classification as super speeder; fees; funding for trauma care system. In addition to any other fines or penalties imposed by any local jurisdiction or the Department of Driver Services (DDS), the DDS shall administer and collect a fee of $200.00 from any driver who is convicted of driving at a speed of 85 miles per hour or more on any road or highway or 75 miles per hour or more on any two-lane road or highway as defined in Code Section 40-6-187. Such a driver, upon conviction, shall be classified as a “super speeder”.
(Fines are subject to change at the discretion of the Judge or City Solicitor)
Please Note: Most Under 21 violations are "Must Appear", due to stricter penalties assessed by the Georgia Department of Drivers' Services against the license. Contact Court for further information.