Garbage service Eugene
Once we’ve dropped off your carts, consult the pickup schedules. Then, place your collection containers at the curb before 6:00 am on your scheduled pickup day and make sure that they are:
– Approximately 10 feet behind vehicles
– No more than 3 feet from the curb or street
– Approximately 5 feet from other objects (mail boxes, poles, other roll carts, etc.)
– Oriented with the handle and wheels facing away from the street
Please do not include:
– Hot ashes
– Hazardous wastes and liquids (motor oil, paint, solvents, etc.)
– Concrete, dirt, sod or rocks over 150 pounds
– Large tree limbs or trimmings that prevent the cart lid from closing (put the trimmings and properly sized limbs in your yard debris cart!)
– Furniture, appliances, or other large items
We’ll collect your recycling on the same day as your garbage pickup and thanks to our innovative new co-mingling service, recycling is even easier for you and better for the environment! Learn how to prepare your glass, cans, paper, etc. You can even use a roll cart for your recycling if you choose.
If it grows in your yard…it goes in our cart! Every other week, we’ll haul your yard debris—lawn clippings, leaves, pine needles, brush, tree limbs and trimmings—to a local facility and grind it into compost! The yard debris pickup day will be the same as your regular garbage collection.
All yard debris must not exceed 4 inches in diameter or three feet in length. The cart must weigh less than 120 pounds and the lid must be closed when full.
- kitchen scraps or pet waste
- ashes, loose dirt, sod, gravel, rocks, or bricks
- liquids (motor oil, paint, solvents)
- logs, trees or trimmings that prevent cart lid from closing
- lumber, stumps, root wads, or poisonous vegetation
- plastic bags, metal, rubber objects or garbage
Call (541) 607-2042 for info about disposing of your appliances, auto batteries, tires and metal auto parts. Call the Household Hazardous Waste Program at (541) 682-4120 for ways to dispose of gasoline, oil/gas mixtures, liquid paint, etc or click here for more info.
Roll Cart Placement
We appreciate your business! To allow our automated trucks sufficient access to collect your carts on service day, please place your carts for collection according to the following:
- Place carts at curb by 6:00 AM on service day
- Place cart 3 feet away from other roll carts, recycle bins & mailboxes as shown above
- Place cart 10 feet away from parked cars, trees, utility poles & basketball hoops
- Carts must be no more than 3 feet from curb or street
- The handle and wheels of the cart must face away from the street
Cart Placement Options
Below are three different options for placing your carts and bin in front of your house on your service day:
If you have a level grass strip between the street and sidewalk, place your carts and recycle bin on the strip.
If the sidewalk is next to the street, place your carts in the street with the wheels against the curb. Place your recycle bin against the curb also.
If placing your carts in the street will block a bike lane, you can place your carts and bin in the apron of your driveway.
Also please remember:
- DO NOT block bike paths with carts or recycle bins
- Make sure all carts are placed on a level surface for pickup
- Remove all carts and bin from the curb by midnight on your service day.
If you have selected to have service every other week, you will be assigned to either the Blue or Green schedule.
Lane Apex Holiday Schedule Information
Rule of Thumb – if your pickup day falls on or after one of these holidays; your pickup will be one day later that week, ending with Friday’s pickup being done on Saturday. If a holiday falls on a weekend, service the week following will be on a normal schedule. Make sure your carts are placed out for pickup by 6:00 AM or the night before.
Please check the following list for specific information on the upcoming holidays:
Christmas Day: Monday, December 25, 2017. All pickups will be one day late this week. If your scheduled pick up is Friday, December 29th, your pick up will be done on Saturday, December 30th.
New Year’s Day: Sunday, January 1, 2017. This year New Year’s Day falls on a weekend. All pickups will be on normal schedule this week.
Memorial Day: Monday, May 29, 2017. All pickups will be one day late this week. If your scheduled pick up is Friday, June 2nd, your pick up will be done on Saturday, June 3rd.
4th of July: Tuesday, July 4, 2017. Only Tuesday through Friday pickups will be one day late this week. If your scheduled pick up is Friday, July 7th, your pick up will be done on Saturday, July 8th.
If your scheduled pick up is Friday, September 8th, your pick up will be done on Saturday, September 9th.
Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, November 23, 2017. Only Thursday and Friday pickups will be one day late this week. If your scheduled pick up is Friday, November 24th, your pick up will be done on Saturday, November 25th.